3 Tips to Help Ease into Life After the Pandemic

How would you describe the last year in one word?

As we start to transition away from our “normal”, it is natural for anxiety to arise. Offices and schools are starting to reopen; social events will be sneaking back on to our schedules—the boundaries we have set, and the safety nets cast over the last year are disappearing as the world gets back on track. With this comes relief, but for some more than others, easing back into the normalcies of everyday life will take some mental work.

Here are 3 tips to help you gently transition back into our new, old normal.

Accept You May Feel Uncomfortable

Our brains have been trained to be incredibly cautious this year. We have had to learn how to keep our distances from people and activities. But the routines in our pandemic lives, like wearing masks and social distancing, will soon be a thing of the past. This transition back to our normal lives might be uncomfortable. Help yourself move through these changes gently by taking baby steps and accepting that with change comes growth, and although growth is not always easy, the outcome is worth it.

Keep a calm mind, and limit anticipatory anxieties with meditation, journaling, slow active movements, relaxation—anything that makes you feel grounded, balanced, and in tune with yourself and your surroundings. If anxieties arise outside of your home, remember to focus on your senses. What do you smell? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? This exercise can bring you back down from a heightened anxious state and reconnect you to the present. Remember: this adjustment will be temporary.

Connect with Nature

Retreating to nature this summer as the world gets back to normal is a wonderful way to decompress and relieve emotional pain. When our bodies are stressed, both our physical and emotional wellbeing is impacted. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, and lethargy can lead to elevated blood pressure, muscle tension, and a weaker immune system. Stepping out into nature can help reduce the production of stress hormones and boost positivity, psychological health, and vitality. This past year has been stressful on our minds, and nature is a great way to restore and refresh overactive thoughts. Try to replace screen time with outside time, whether you’re alone or with friends and family, we need connection with nature now more than ever right now.

Don’t Forget to Breathe

How many times a day do you focus on your breath? When we breathe short and shallow, our anxiety can spike. This leads to an increase in heart rate and overwhelming feelings. Most of the time, we don’t acknowledge our breathing or recognize how powerful it can be to ease anxiety and stress. Deep, rhythmic breathing increases the amount of oxygen to the brain and body, releasing a sense of calm. It’s also been proven to lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and provide relaxation.

As we enter life post-pandemic, focusing on our breathing will help us relax. The next time you feel exposed to stress, try this breathing exercise:

  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Relax your face muscles.
  • Remove the tongue from the roof of your mouth and relax your jaw.
  • Let all of the tension in your body melt away.
  • Take a slow, deep breath in until your diaphragm is filled, and blow the air out through your mouth.
  • Do this 10 times.
  • Open your eyes and repeat if needed.


To learn more, check out Breathing Your Way Into Mindfulness

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